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Feb 08, 2006


vinnie mirchandani

I agree with you what he proposes is not innovation - to me web 2,0, telemetry, bio metrics, predictive analytics are innovation. But ... ERP is not innovative today with SOA or not. SCM is not, CRMM is not. They are 20, 15, 10 year old concepts. You, Oracle, Siebel recouped your core investment costs a long time ago and still want to charge "innovation" pricing. In doing so you are opening the door for more "utility" pricing. Open source, SaaS, third party maintenance, offshore implementation are all symptoms of that.

They are not playing the innovation card. They are playing the efficiency card.


I agree with you... that's why I think these OSS companies should be trying to go beyond all the acronyms.

SOA/ESA are means to an end, nobody has really articulated, at least in a way I can get excited about, what the end is.


BTW, would love to have you over on the new blog (which this is now a mirror of)

Jeetu Bhatia


Kudos to Vinnie for putting it so well.

OSS community is responsible for providing many enterprises a cost-efficient alternative to the high-costs associated with implementing Enterprise solutions like SAP/Oracle etc

Basically, from a CIO's perspective if a BEA or a IBM doesn't fall into her/his budget go for JBoss.

I loved this write-up on Jonathan Schwartz's blog regarding free software

Innovation is not factor for the Open Source Community .. its ROI at a reasonable cost.

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