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Dec 13, 2005


Jack Moore

Amazing you have received no comments yet. Simply one of your finer screes. I have forwarded, with full attribution, of course, to several.


Everyone has been waiting for you to weigh in before starting the comment onslaught! :)

Merry Christmas.

Kathleen Gilroy

This is a very interesting post. I'm curious about the "conclusive evidence" that you reference about companies achieving competitive advantage with social media. Can you send me a citation for this at [email protected]?

Brian Phipps

Hopefully the resistance to social software from people on the brand and messaging side will ease up in the near future. Traditional brands are totally top-down and regimented, but that legacy model is giving way to a new concept of brands from the bottom up. These are brands that champion a collaborative workspace with customers, and are judged not by their “message” but by the customer value they deliver.

All of this means that existing brand teams will have to change gears (to put it mildly), but it’s a change that places them in a much more vital role within the company. They will be at the front line in creating customers, side-by-side with product development. And they should then be bugging you to help them set up brand wiki’s and brand API’s, which are the next big thing in brands.


What I wrote was that "the evidence is conclusive, the largest and best known technology brands are building communities and feeding those communities." In full honesty, we still need to figure out the formula for using this media to our advantage.

Having said that, I'd encourage you to look at Google and Yahoo!. Yahoo is kicking Google's ass right now and it's because, IMO, perception is being turned in the blogosphere and Yahoo is doing much of the turning. Yahoo's acquisitions get much more positive play than Google, who is increasingly being derided for being big brother. A main front in this competitive battle is taking place in the blogs and Yahoo is very effectively playing blogs against Google, whether deliberately or not, it is still happening.

Tom Foydel

Are we going to see a post about Integrating Social Media with SAP in the future? Internal blogs linked to products development, customer records, etc.?


Yahoo is kicking Google's ass??? Uh, you're delusional about that point. You may want to check Google's valuation versus Yahoo!'s. In fact, I would say that Yahoo!'s reliance on acquisitions demonstrates they do not have the ability to innovate in-house. Additionally, it's clear they're just acquiring without having a solid long-term strategy in place. My web competes with Flickr is just a new photo sharing site. Your strange insistence that blogger opinion is a gauge for winning and losing demonstrates the delusional arrogance that mimics much of what occurred in the first bubble.
Considering your first attempt at "overwhelming evidence" has fallen on its face, care to try another?


no, I'm just going to ignore you.

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