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« Iraq Atrocity | Main | Bug Eyes »

Feb 03, 2005


Steve Shu

Jeff wrote "I wonder how many people respond to the guy in Nigeria who's sitting on a fortune and can't get to it."

I was trying to set up a sales rep in Latin America once. To make a long story short, I was a little skeptical about the arrangements being laid out so I called some special unit of the FBI or something to see if the sort of scheme I was seeing had ever played out before. The agent said that he had never heard of anything like what I was seeing but that the FBI had something like 4 full-time people servicing calls for the Nigeria thing.

As for the finding of 4%, its hard to know exactly how to look at that number, but it does seem high ... I guess since the volume of spam is so darn large that it amounts to miniscule % return on a per spam mail basis. Printing money I guess ...

Charlie Kemper

The Main Dish is possibly one of the greatest blog postings out there, one I regularly read. Thanks!


i wonder my people still dying despite the fact that we have some better food in Nigeria


i wonder my people still dying despite the fact that we have some better food in Nigeria

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