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Sep 28, 2004


Charlie O'Donnell

Excellent comments, Jeff. At some point, the GM pension fund's private equity group (where I work) is going to do a qualitative study about GP's value adds... doing a lot of reference calls to understand, in big winners, where the value was created and what various VC's brought to the table. Its not meant to find the best VCs, but more to understand what you can actually count on VCs to bring to the table, in the hope that understanding that will make us a better investor in funds. Given your interest in thinking about this sort of thing, it would be great to have your participation when we start working on it. I'll keep you posted.


this is interesting, I would look forward to the opportunity to participate.


It is both painful and compelling to read your post. You remind me of the gap between that which I knew to do, and that which I did. It is my sincere hope that more executives at start-ups are reading and acting on the insight you, and a few other VC bloggers, offer. Thanks.

Moses Johnson


I have been approached by some clients of mine with deep pockets looking to spend a very large monthly fee to me for distribution of their software bundled in with my popular browsers and instant messenger products. The clients I am speaking of are large online advertisers who are struggling with finding methods of distribution. Most of these firms have large cash reserves of more than 40 million dollars. If I can expand my custom software and OEM services to include distribution, these clients are willing to spend $20,000-$40,000 or more per month and each has put that in writting. That 20,000 to 40,000 would earn them 35,000 to 75,000 in revenue. I need advice on how to position myself to choose the right VC. I recieved an offer from SoftBank to see my business plan but I want to make sure I'm moving in the right direction. Obviously more detailes are required from me but I would like to get any comments you might have and possibly have you contact me with advice. Thanks!

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