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« Heat | Main | morning - 4/30/04 »

Apr 29, 2004


Evelyn Rodriguez

RE: "Personally, I've pretty much had it with "branding" (scroll down to see my post from yesterday, titled "Heat")."

I understand your frustration with the identity police; it's common to confuse and associate corporate identity with your brand. Brand is EVERYTHING that the external world thinks, believes, feels about your company (or you if it's a personal brand). What impression are you making? I'm not saying that design and consistency don't matter in making impressions; but you can go overboard thinking narrowly about a brand.

I just came away with impression that SAP might be a little rigid as a corporation. That form may be valued over function.


I bet we could ask 10 people "what is a brand", and get 15 answers. At the end of the day, I suppose it's simply what is in your DNA, which is of course manifested in how you do business and what the rest of the world thinks of you.

rigid? hmmm, don't think I'll comment :)

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